
On the Summer school that took place in Genoa on 24-28 July 2023, the international team of the Erasmus+ project “Universities-Communities: Strengthening Cooperation” got acquainted with new practical tools of the best European practices in the field of implementing social cohesion and intercultural dialogue.

Summer School was organised by Association of Researchers of EU Values in Education (AREVE), Faculty of Educational Sciences DISFOR – Genoa University (Italy), Dragomanov Ukrainian State University, Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University

Welcome speeches of the partner universities were presented by:

Gvido Amoretti – head of DISFOR department, University of Genoa (UniGe)

Volodymyr Lavrynenko – vice rector of Dragomanov Ukrainian State University

Natalia Falko – rector of Bogdan Khmelnitsky Melitopol State Pedagogical University.

Professor Marco Invernizzi presented the best practices for managing the third mission and its definition and assessment in view of the current activities of the universities.

The program moderated by Prof. Diana Spulber and Prof. Marja Nesterova was full of interactive training on social cohesion of academics and the community, allowing to build of a dialogue on strengthening the society and revealing the potential of sustainable development of communities and universities.

Due to the panel discussion “Intercultural dialogue, broad inclusion and involvement of communities”, on the example of Italian and Ukrainian Universities, modern values of the EU and the diversity of community development, which influence the activities of Universities were determined during the discussion.

Main directions of the Summer School were outlined:

  1. Sustainable development through the third mission: universities as initiators of global change.
  2. Wide inclusion and community engagement.
  3. European cultural studies and intercultural communication.
  4. EU values: diversity in community development.
  5. Intercultural dialogue, social cohesion and community safety.

As a result of the five-day fruitful cooperation, all participants of the summer school received new practical tools of the best European practices in the field of implementing social cohesion and intercultural dialogue to intensify the interaction between universities and the community.

More information about summer school