Within the implementation of the ERASMUS +KA 2 CBHE project “Universities Communities: strengthening cooperation” (“Universities and local communities: strengthening cooperation”) UNICOM No. 101083077 ) an educational visit “Third Mission, What Steps and What Responsibilities: University of Genoa” has been held for representatives of universities – members of the consortium from May 26 to 31 at […]
Representatives of the consortium members of the ERASMUS +KA 2 CBHE international project “Universities Communities: strengthening cooperation” UNICOM #101083077 joined the round table ” Challenges for Universities and Communities: the Role of the Third Mission Offices at Ukrainian Universities in Their Solution”. The purpose of the event was to discuss the concept of the third […]
Within the implementation of the ERASMUS +KA 2 CBHE project “Universities Communities: strengthening cooperation” UNICOM N.101083077, a round table on the theme “Latest Results and the Next Steps” was held, where the following issues were discussed: – the results of the study visit to the University of Latvia (the Republic of Latvia); – activities carried […]
The series of trainings provided by the University of Latvia, as part of the implementation of the project “Universities – communities – strengthening cooperation” (March 25-28, 2024, Riga, Latvia) have been dedicated to the study of the mechanisms of interaction between the University and the community on the way to their sustainable development, in the […]
On February 22, 2024, at the Faculty of Business, Management and Economics, a plenary meeting of the section “BUSINESS. MANAGEMENT. ECONOMY” of the 82nd International Scientific Conference of the Latvian University Professor Baiba Shavrina presented the UNICOM project at the plenary session. Her presentation on the topic “University and its third mission” allowed the conference […]
The international conference “University and Inclusion”, organized by the Fondazione Sicurezza e Liberta in Rome (Italy) on December 14 and 15, 2023, became the summarizing dissemination event of the 1st year of the UNICOM project. All participants presented the results of their research on the role of the Universities and associations in European cooperation, the […]
«University – Communities: Strengthening Cooperation» (UNICOM) project consortium invites you on November 28, 2023 to participate in the «University and sustainable development of communities» round table. The project is implemented under the program of the European Union “Erasmus+. Keynote speakers: Oleksandr MASLAK, Director of the Department of Agro-Industrial Development of the Sumy Regional State Administration […]
Interesting stories about Sweden from the Viking’s time to one of the most developed and richest countries in Europe, along with significant achievements in the work of the University for the benefit of the community, will be remembered by the participants of the Ukrainian project teams during the study visit to Lund University (November 6-9, […]
The rich program of the first year of the implementation of the UNICOM project continues with research in focus groups of Ukrainian universities on the implementation of the Third Mission and a fruitful discussion at the round table “University and Inclusion”, which was organized by the coordinator of the project in Ukraine Dragomanov Ukrainian State […]
Round table “University and inclusion”
“University – Communities: Strengthening Cooperation” (UNICOM) project consortium invites you on October 30, 2023, to participate in the “University and Inclusion” round table. The project is implemented under the program of the European Union “Erasmus+. Key speakers: Tetyana Lomakina, President of Ukraine Adviser on barrier-free accessibility, Diana Spulber, Professor of the Faculty of Pedagogy, University […]
The study visit to the Fachhochschule des Mittelstands in Bielefeld (Germany) was organized in a blended format, which gave an opportunity for the larger part of representatives of the project teams to learn about the innovative experience of implementing the third mission of German universities for four days (October 16-19, 2023). The program was full […]
A member of the UNICOM project Consortium – Sumy National Agrarian University (Ukraine), together with Royal Agrarian University (UK), University of Cambridge (UK) and ETH Zurich (Switzerland) with the financial support of XTX Markets (UK) is implementing the project “Training of experts to assess the condition of soils damaged as a result of hostilities”. The […]